I saw this movie Jash-e Azadi....with the format of a documentary, this three hours flick ...gives an entirely different perspective of what void independence, null freedom , exhaggerated accounts naitonality flashed by Indians in the heartland :actually mean to people of kashmir.
it shows those un-inhabited ghettos of Kashmir(PoK) ;wherein pepole want to experiance a freedom from not the millitancy and terrorism that the state and it's harbingers tlk about but the freedom from subjection byt he armed forces, freedom from the stae, freedom from two mutually jaw gnawshing countries. "N' number of international convention, conferences, peace talks through teleconferencing...even involving countries whose global ambassadors have not seen how Kashir and jammu looks have been part of these useless and unyielding talks . But ..hello...whom are you talking about..who is the victim here??? And who is the perpetrator?? Friends, Indians and countrymen....ask the people...they have been the victime of years of subjugaiton from the Indian states (whom they largely refer to as Brahmaniacal leaders..the usage itself shows the contention).
It's difficult for Indians to believe thet kashmir which is viewed by even a small indian student in his political map of india..as the 'Crown of the Country'..would be chopped off...and just because the map of indian looks void without kashmir in it,....do we have to enforce Vande mataram and saare jahaan se achcha and 15th August on them...
The choice for liberation belongs to the people....if there is restlessnes..it must be calmed down.
And if One cannot take or stand anothers freedom ..what freedom does he deserve...and as i have quoted Robin Williams charachter in Bicentennial Man..many times..."All freedoms and great wars were for the want fo jus one basic need..freedom."
And the state which liberally gives fundamental rights to it's citizen..cannot tolerate that.
What frenzy it is????
I smeared the glass with blood to
make mirrots,
My image a stanger?
What Frenzy it is......