Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Making of ' An Apple Pie'!! from the diary of "the confessions of a born glutton"

Don't really know what the urge was or what it meant? It was a level beyond the tempting of a self confessed foodie,a flush of 'something' longing to take a concrete shape of a rich 'n' fluffy apple pie with light brown toffee topping..the soft sponginess contrasted by crusty n crackly top. she was heavier at the lower but her upper body wasn't thin too.While she was longing to be born through the stained steel, the painstaking process began, it all started with the long struggle with the dough, which was eager to stick to the round pale eggs, and then there was a rich pale yellow goulash, ready to bear the prune crisp apple dices, salt and the puff powder to make it swell from the top when out of the stained steel furnace.

The concoction looked promising but the journey now was difficult, the path to become concrete from abstract, definite from indefinite, from scatteredness to union. In the furnace, she transformed, struggled and jostled, settled and then struggled and jostled , swell, swell so much that the crust showed a creaking hairline at the top.
it was painful, but she smiled at the pleasure of union, the fusion of her scattered self.

The walnuts lived and danced along the music of heat, the diced apples melted into her. At the wake of a new morning, she was a young rich, spongy, proud, content dessert appreciated by sweet brown toffee topping with sugar crystals who had refused to condense.

Here she was pure as she was before the union. Welcome!!